Scroll down for information on becoming a beekeeper, a peek into life in the hive, some thoughts on whether honey bees are a threat to native bees, and a few observations about the medicinal use of honey.

Humans have been keeping honeybees for thousands of years. Why do we go to the trouble of caring for these insects that seem almost unaware of our existence – except to occasionally sting us? We do it for the healthy and useful products of the hive – sweet honey, propolis, and beeswax. We do it to pollinate crops and increase yields. We do it because honeybees are simply fascinating. And if you find beekeepers talking to their bees, they might be following the tradition, based on old European folklore, of telling the bees about important life events – marriages, births, and deaths. Some say that if you forget to tell the bees, a penalty will be paid. But others say the bees are messengers that break both joy and sorrow into tiny pieces to be carried away and shared with the world – easing the sorrow and spreading the joy. Whatever the reason, beekeeping is thriving in rural areas, suburban backyards, and city rooftops. 


Take a Peek at Life in the Hive!

Become a Beekeeper!

Honey is praised for its medicinal properties - but is it really effective? Check back soon to find out if it is helpful for preventing infection and healing wounds (it is!), soothing for sore throats and coughs (probably), and a cure for seasonal allergies (probably not). Meanwhile, to learn more about the medicinal uses of honey, read Two Million Blossoms - Discovering the Medicinal Benefits of Honey by Kristin S. Traynor, M.S.

Are Honey Bees a threat to native bees? The increase in "backyard beekeeping" has raised concerns about competition for resources between Honey Bees and native bees, the spread of diseases among species, the impact of Honey Bees on the ecosystem as a whole. Research is beginning to yield some answers but more data is needed. 


Does Honey Have Medicinal Properties?

Honey Bees